The Fox Who Dreams of... Conquest? [Part 2]

Her grin widened as the woman acknowledged the validity of my deduction. It was then that my eyes became the size of saucers. Valdus wanted Roktavor, but the poor bastard didn't know that he and I were the same being. I controlled Roktavor's every action. His decisions were all mine, but they wouldn't be any wiser to the difference. 

"I wanted him as well. Suddenly centuries ago, the man disappeared from this realm, and without him, Cy of Tocrorant battled with the one that you have known as Lilanna. His hatred of Kitsunes sprouted from that encounter and with the knowledge and attitude that he obtained from you, he managed to shape Lianna's domain in his image. Combining that with Stormpass' strength, he built what would later become the Great Kingdom of Tenumi. His successors hold power now after his demise."

"That is good for them, right? I've seen on a map that the Great Kingdom dominates the continent. I assume they hail Cyto as their absolute God, so that means there is no place for you.", I said while stroking my goatee.

"You can say that. I was once a Chief God with high status, but now I could not even force a mere mortal to become my champion.", She replies with frustration rearing its ugly head.

I raised my finger in the air before pointing it at the woman to her surprise.

"There lies your problem. You shouldn't be forcing anything. Your followers were wiped out and heavily reduced, but now I can understand why you are here. Valdus has yet to realize that Roktavor and I are the same. You wished to force me into your service before he realized that."

"I did.", She admits, but there wasn't an ounce of remorse in her tone. She said it with a straight face as if it was expected for her to do so.

If there was one thing that I learned about Sine it would be that this goddess was a brute. She was no Goddess of beauty that's for sure, but she did radiate thug energy. I wouldn't be surprised if Sine performed a shakedown for some offerings.

"I will overlook that attempt, but now you have to explain this gift that you continued to brag about."

Sine tilted her head after I spoke as if I said something completely foreign to her. My expression mirrored her own for a while before she broke her silence. To my surprise, she would then point toward her left eye. In a matter of seconds, the X in her eye began to quickly swirl in her pupil similar to that of a ceiling fan. She oozed a frightening aura as the eye shifted from a greyish tint into a greenish aura.

I stared into the transformation, and I felt a great reverence toward the woman. I could not exactly explain where the feeling originated from, but it was present. A form of compulsion seemed to rock my body causing the hairs on my tail to stand on end. I wanted to glance back to glance at it, but I could not tear my gaze from Sine's. That is when it happened. My left eye erupted in what felt like flames causing me to buckle to one knee. 

I covered my left eye as it pulsed with an unfamiliar feeling. It was akin to the sensation that often pulsated throughout my body. Despite the similarities with them, this feeling was far more potent. 

"Wh-What the hell?!", I exclaimed in agony.

"You feel it, Little Kitsune?", Sine said wryly. Her powerful figure remained still as a statue as energy exploded from her body.

"What did you do to me, Sine?! Explain yourself!"

I attempted to shoot the woman a nasty glare with my remaining eye, but it was to no avail. Her gaze poured even more energy in comparison to before. It felt as if I was staring down a tsunami of energy as it barreled into my eye.

"I'm providing you with proper guidance. I've noticed that you have been blocked from proper access to this world's mana. It was likely Valdus' doing to ensure your destruction, but such a cheap trick is no match for my power!", She declared with a powerful huff.

When my gaze slipped from her own, the woman was quick to correct it. Both of her hands gripped my face forcing eye contact. The woman's toothy grin widened as agony washed over my exposed socket. If I were to compare it to anything, then I would say it was on par when she ripped out my eye from that very same socket before.

I writhed underneath her unrelenting gaze before agony was quickly replaced with neutrality. It was quite the odd thing to experience. Sine seemed satisfied with her work and chose to release my head. 

"Not bad.", Sine whistled as my head settled from its throbbing. "Now you and I are on the path of synchronization."

"Synchronization?", I repeated while I pulled myself to my feet. I reeled slightly before shifting my gaze onto the confident woman. "What the hell do you mean by that?"

"I wondered why you could not access the fruit of my garden just yet, but I figured out the issue. You and your friends are all plagued with that ailment which severely cripples your potential. As an offering for your allegiance, I have bestowed upon you an important piece of me.", She explains while extending her right hand in my direction.

With a flick of her wrist, a small handheld mirror appeared in her grasp. Its design was carved like golden flames. It surprised me that she was able to do that, but she discouraged me from dawdling on the details of that.

 "Take a look inside.", She commanded with a devious grin plastered on her face.

I followed the order, but I didn't expect it to leave my mouth agape. Staring back at me was my reflection, but there was one humongous notable difference.

"The fuck did you do to my eye...", I whispered in disbelief. 

My eyes were supposed to be reminiscent of a nice lake of chocolate milk. Dark brown eyes that struck awe and fear into those that dared gaze into them Yet, as I looked back at myself, my left eye was completely different. It wasn't my eye at all. It shined with that same greenish tint that took hold of Sine's. She must've loved my bewildered expression as the woman erupted in laughter.

"I guess we match now, Marktavious!", She declared before roughly slapping my shoulder in succession. "Ya like?!"

I snatched the mirror from the amused woman and checked the new eye from different positions.

'Right... It's the same. Left is...Left is... completely different! This- This Lunatic gave me her eye! This must be why it caused me agony.'

Replacing my previous remarkable eye was now a similar one to Sine's. If I wasn't looking at both of her eyes right now, I would assumed that she plucked out of one of her eyes and jammed it into my skull. Even the X-shaped iris followed my commands when I moved it.

I was completely thrown into disarray and my mind raced to piece together the reason why she would do such a thing. There must be a reason. In order to calm my shaken nerves, I took in a breath and exhaled.

"I suppose I do. You gave me your eye, but for what reason? I hate to say it, but I'm not becoming convinced to align with you."

"Come now. Let's not be like that.", She mused after slapping my back. "I know you'll change your mind once I tell you this."

The woman's cheerful demeanor quickly dissipated as she stared blankly at me again. 

"I've bestowed upon you one of the eyes of the Great Goddess Sine. It is an honor that no one in history has ever been granted. This is my way of showing you that I am all in on your ambitions."

Her words took me aback, but that didn't prevent me from replying.

"What do you know of my ambitions? I have yet to share them with anyone."

"I don't know anything about them at all.", Sine replied nonchalantly as if her words didn't throw me into further confusion. I would look at the woman as if she was nothing more than a con artist.

'Is she serious? She can't be, but.. that face tells me that she is...'

I opened my mouth to speak, but the woman cut my words off prematurely.

"Yet, I still believe that you are the one to hedge my bets on. I never thought I'd see that expression ever cross Valdus' face. You were like a devil. I can't imagine how you've managed to instill fear into the heart of that cocky bastard, but I know what I saw on his face."

I stared blankly at the woman as she made her declaration. It was not difficult to come to terms with having this new eye pulsating in my skull, but there was a point that I needed to make. To emphasize my seriousness to the woman, I shot her an expression to match my tone.

"Despite having your eye, I am not your pawn, so don't-"

"I have no use for you as a pawn", She responds as she places her hands on her waist. "You were right earlier. I should have come with a proper proposal, so I have thought of another offer that might intrigue you."

"Considering that I am in your domain with no idea on how to return, I suppose I have little choice other than to hear you out." 

Truth be told, I was interested in hearing her offer even if I didn't want to show it, Giving this goddess whatever she wanted was not the optimal play. In my experience of watching media revolving around the interactions with Gods, I learned that it may not be the best idea to simply roll over to their demands. It is even better if the divine is limited by some rule book that prevents them from directly enforcing their will.

This is the time to negotiate, so if I were to be linked with this being, then it would be best to be on the best possible terms. Having her eye forced onto me isn't the worst thing, but it does run some risks. 

"Good. I assumed that you would be reasonable, but it's not like you have much choice. I fully intend to keep you here as long as I need to, then again, I don't need to tell you something that you are already aware of.", Sine said.

While I had my suspicions that she was keeping me hostage in this dream-like state hearing her brazenly declare it brought a frown to my face. Yet, that didn't change much about my situation. 

"I assume that you don't wish to be my servant, so that leaves only one option left.", I said, cutting the woman off on this occasion. 

This time it was my turn to flash a devious grin as I watched surprise appear on Sine's face. She flipped her hair with one of her hands before nodding in confirmation. 

"If you refuse to be my subordinate, then I propose that you stand at my side. Although I loathe the thought of it, you may prove yourself worthy of being my partner."

"A partner?", I repeat while stroking my goatee. "That is better than being your pawn, I'll admit."

She seemed to expect that answer. Her sharp gaze lingered for a moment as I contemplated her proposal. It was a tempting one after all. Normally, someone would jump at the opportunity to be favored by a god. I wouldn't blame them since it could have some perks, and for what it's worth, I came into this conversation fully intended to do so. The hard part was not buckling to the immense pressure Sine oozed from her body.

"I accept your proposal.", I said plainly. 

Satisfied with my decision, I moved my finger to straighten my glasses. 

"There is merit in aligning myself with you as partners. From what I understand about you, Sine, you wish to gain supporters. To do that, you need me to work as your proxy when I return.", I continue.

"Majority of my influence fell once the kitsune race became reduced in numbers. Some factions within Tenumi still praise my name, but they are without proper guidance and lack the strength necessary to do what is necessary. Many have tried to stand up to Cyto's supporters but they lacked the spine to prolong their resistance. That is where you come in." 

"I understand. You linked your eye to me for a reason, so I assume I will eventually benefit from it."

"You will...", the woman's sentence cut short as her face warped in frustration. "Damned bastard. I don't have much time left, so listen carefully."

I tilted my head as I understood what she meant. I could feel something pulling at my body as if an unknown force attempted to interfere with our meeting. This had to be the work of Valdus. The bastard must've caught wind of what Sine was doing and decided to run interference. It was when I recognized that the feeling hit even harder.

"My eye will eventually merge with your body fully, and I do not know what would be the result. Your astral art is volatile, and fluid so I encourage you to learn how to use mana immediately. Once you do, more of my eye will become yours and-"

The woman's voice suddenly cut off as if someone switched off a television. Darkness gripped my form like a hand, and I returned to my new world. I possessed many thoughts about what Sine said, but none could compare to the mystery that was left in their wake. Just what would transpire when her eye became mine. I had wished that I heard that part, but there was nothing to be done about it.

I guess that there were still things that I must learn on my new path, but now there is something that I have to do.