A Catalyst For Change!

Bishop Bonner

"It appears that his condition has improved drastically in a short time. Your friend has an impressive healing capacity for a foxel. It might be the best that I've encountered thus far."

Those words came from Horace as the man finished wrapping Mark's body in bandages. The kitsune man now lies on his bed with the assistance of the elderly caretaker. According to Horace, he had found Mark collapsed on the floor in a pool of blood. Many injuries warped my friend's physique; he seemed to be wearing a cloak he didn't own. 

"Mark, that damned fool.", I cursed once the elder steps away.

I took his spot next to the bed and took in the sight of the bandages around his exposed torso and right arm. My stomach churned the longer that I stared at his stiff form. No matter how hard I tried the bury it, concern wormed itself back into my psyche. He may be reckless, but he is my friend and the thought that he could be reduced to such a state burned at my core.

"His left eye seemed to be damaged, and there was a definitive bite mark on one of his arms. I would say that a monster attacked him, but another demi-human or beastman may be the culprit.", Horace says as he returns to replace the bandages covering the left side of Mark's face. "I fear that your involvement with our cause has injured your friend; for that, I apologize to you."

"Did you do this to him?" I questioned, shooting a man a sharp glare.

Horace remained serious in his action and shook his head. I didn't suspect him since he was patching him together, but I disliked the fact that he was apologizing.

"He told me that he went out to purchase a map. I questioned how he would pay for it, so he must've undertaken a task in exchange for it. Bandits attacked Jacket, so it is possible the same transpired to Mark. He got too arrogant and too careless. This is the result of his decisions."

"That so? You might be glad to know that he will survive his injuries."

"I know. Mark isn't a little bitch so that he won't die from scratches like that. He knows that we're relying on him." 

After he was satisfied with his work, Horace stood and looked in my direction. He held a medium-sized wooden bucket in his hand and faded red water splashed with his movements. His gaze ran across my face for a moment before he walked over to the desk in Mark's room.

"I don't think bandits were behind this attack.", Horace says after placing the bucket down.

"I would assume so, too. It was likely that the people who spy on your mistress were the ones to get the jump on Mark. We are still unfamiliar with this region, so a similar slip-up is expected. It is that your opponents have now begun to move. We've seen that these so-called Foxels are seen as easy targets. I wouldn't doubt they decided to capture Mark and use him to get to Claire."

"I see... I assume that you now have doubts about our efforts. Looking at the close call with your friend, I imagine the three of you would decide to break off your support. I can't say that I would blame you."

I turned to face the man with a confused expression. Horace seemed more conflicted than what I'd seen beforehand. He clenched the soggy towel that he used to dry Mark's body in his hand. While it is true that it would be logical to distance ourselves from Claire, that is not likely to happen. Once Jacket hears about this incident, I doubt he would want to allow that attack to slide.

Mark may be careless and sometimes arrogant, but he is a man we can rely on for his competence. The very fact that he survived a seemingly unwinnable situation is proof enough to me that aspect of himself transferred over. There is a reason that I refer to him as our group's strategist. He said there was merit in joining siders with Claire despite knowing we would be at a major disadvantage.

"No. We will stay as allies to your cause. We meant it to Claire when we became her strength, but Mark's weak state only proves that we must become stronger to contend. Considering our survival with the Lynx, I thought we were sufficient in our current state, but this shows that we were wrong."

"A Lynx? Are you implying that you encountered a creature of that caliber and lived?", he asks, scrutiny heavy in his tone.

My expression didn't change, remaining straight and confident. Our battle with the Lynx was a no-win if we clashed straight up, and everyone knew that. It was a guaranteed loss, but despite that, Mark challenged the beast and, I would say, ended up defeating it, albeit in a roundabout manner. He was injured following the clash, but he was in far better shape than he currently is.

That only worries me about the people capable of inflicting such damage on my friend.

"We did. I had no intention of telling you, but the three of us battled a Lynx within the Hidden Grotto. Not only did we survive, but I believe it is possible that we defeated it with a cave-in.", I explained.

Horace stroked his facial hair as he contemplated my words. His eyes moved from Mark to me, and once he settled his mind, the man spoke,

"That would be shocking if that did manage to defeat it. Lynxs are formidable creatures. One alone could run rampant and destroy whole cities in its rampage, but one within the Hidden Grotto is on another level compared to that. It has made the Hidden Grotto its kingdom, and it is very territorial. Only those with a death wish would dare take that monster on willingly.", Horace explained.

"I agree. One look at that beast was enough for me to recognize its danger. I wanted to get the hell out of there, but Mark saw it differently. He dared to challenge the monster and even taunted it."

Horace raised an eyebrow before returning to the man on the bed.

"That is incredibly reckless.", Horace said plainly.

"That is beyond reckless, but I reflected on that day and now see the reasoning for that action. At the banquet, he utilized a similar tactic, and that is what made me realize its importance." 

I placed my hand inside my cloak and pulled out the aquamarine crystal I had snatched from the Hidden Grotto. I had meant to deliver this alongside the cluster I nabbed a few days ago, but we had been busier than I anticipated. The crystal lit up in my hand and caught the older man's attention. He stepped closer to me and examined the palm-sized rock in my hand.

"Back at the cave, Mark was insistent that I retrieve one of these, so I decided to grab more than one. They may have some monetary value, but I imagine he foresaw another use for them." Could you share some input on what it is?", I asked while handing it to him.

The older man held the rock towards the light source and analyzed the object. He hummed with curiosity.

"This is the first time I've seen a crystal like this, so unfortunately, I can not help much. I can say that this rock oozes incredible amounts of mana to the point that I am ashamed that I didn't sense it prior."

His words sparked a dormant curiosity that lingered within me. I had long assumed magic existed within this world. After our encounter with the Lynx in the Hidden Grotto, I assumed there must be a method or spell that could aid in sensing mana.

"You can sense mana in objects?" I asked as he placed the object in my palm.

"I can. It is an ability that can be learned if you are affiliated with the correct people.", Horace said.

"How about people? I imagine there is a way to sense the level of mana locked within people, too. Would that be correct?"

"You would be correct. A person can sense the level of mana within a person's body. However, the method of acquiring such a skill varies. The most common way is to use a Mana Sensory Stone."

As he spoke, Horace reached into his pocket and pulled out a small translucent orb about the size of a marble. It glistened in the light. He held it up to his eye, and the orb took on a faint red glow. It levitated in the air and began orbiting Horace as if he were a planet.

"A Mana Sensory Stone is basic and relatively cheap. Anyone could purchase one if they have the silver necessary, but its function is simple. Once mana is introduced, the stone rotates around the highest source within a small radius, such as this room. As you can tell, I-"

The older man stopped in his tracks as the stone abruptly broke off its orbit. It was quicker than I thought, but its new target surprised us both. The orb now rested on Mark's chest, circling in front of his bandaged eye. The color shifted from a faint red to a brighter purple.

"How interesting.", Horace says plainly.

"What happened?"

"Do you recall what I said when I first began teaching you how to call the wind elemental?"

"I do. You mentioned that we were oddities. It might be difficult for us to learn more advanced magic spells."

"That is because the three of you possessed incredibly potent but low mana. My mana was leagues higher, with the difference being comparable to a blade of grass and a budding flower. I could teach you a spell that calls on the wind, but that was it. The Mana Sensory Stone was the instrument that I used to come to that conclusion. Now, that same stone hints that something has changed about your friend. I had never seen a stone abandon its selected source for another one so quickly."

"I expected as much. You seem reliable, Horace, and for most things, I would take your word for it. Our potential is not one of those occasions. I will continue to learn that wind spell from you, and I encourage you to teach Mark and Q when he returns with Claire. It may be a common spell, but I know they will find more appropriate applications."

I took in the sight of the stone as it flickered in the brightness of its glow. After a moment of floating, the stone would float back to Horace's open palm. The older man took in my blank expression and nodded in agreement.

"If they permit it, I will also take the time to teach them the spell. It may not be much beyond the basics, but it should be useful. My aptitude for magic is not as great as Lady Claire's. However, I can help strengthen our cause with what I have to offer."

"Is Claire's potential truly that great? I noticed that she used some interesting spells in our initial encounter. Sound Canceling and some type of illusionary magic. Those are the two that I have personally witnessed."

"I can not speak much on the latter, but I can say that the spell that allows her to cancel sound is a variation of the spell I am teaching you. It is called "Wind Barrier", but Lady Claire's usage is unique. I do not know if it is easily replicable. My attempts at the variation have resulted in failure."

From my understanding, Horace is a competent wind mage with a firm grasp of the fundamentals of spellcasting. It was my duty to understand how magic in this world operates. I thought of our encounter with the Lynx back at the Hidden Grotto. I recognized the Temple Spell it attempted to utilize before Jacket brought the cave down on its head.

I wish to harness that power for myself. While I ideally prefer to wield a more destructive form of magic just in case we encounter another monster of that caliber, all Horace seems to know is wind magic.

"I understand. There are many uses for the wind elemental that I will need to explore once I get a grasp on it. I still find it difficult to draw out the mana from my body properly. It is as if something is blocking my attempts."

"That is because something is..."

Horace jumped in surprise as Mark's words filled the room. The elder quickly approached the bandaged man. He would offer to assist Mark in repositioning, but the kitsune man rejected the offer with a firm headshake. 

"More accurately, something was blocking our access to our mana reserves."

"What do you mean by that?", I question.

There was something different about Mark's expression. I couldn't exactly distinguish between his usual serious expression and his current one, but something informed me that there was an unmistakable difference. The gaze that radiated from his unbandaged eye was piercing, nearly making me flinch underneath its weight.

"There was someone who decided to stack the deck against us, but they naturally failed," he says before shifting his gaze to Horace.

The older man didn't flinch as he examined the condition of the kitsune.

"Are you aware of who did this to you?" Horace said, brushing past the cryptic words of his patient. "Do you remember anything about their appearance?"

"The death of the Angea is here..."

It was a simple phrase, undoubtedly used as a threat to Claire's family, but Horace's expression when Mark uttered those words spoke volumes. There was shock, but then unbridled rage bubbling underneath the surface of his cool demeanor. 

"Is there some significance with that phrase?" I questioned with a curious glare. 

"That is what my attacker declared after they launched their sneak attack on me. It was a valiant effort, but they were ultimately no match for me. I recommend you not allow my current state to deceive you."

"Your wounds were severe, and I found you passed out in front of the door when I entered. From my perspective, they were more than a match for you. You nearly met your demise at the hands of dangerous opponents. It is the height of-"

"-Yet, here I sit in all of my glory. Bandaged and bruised may I be, but I am more than capable of healing from my injuries. Call it arrogance or call it confidence. The result is all the same. It is our opponents who have met the hands of a dangerous opponent.", Mark said, cutting Horace off. "Now, I say this because it is relevant. Usually, it is pure arrogance to believe that I could go uncontained in a world of unknown power. Perhaps what you say is true, but I have a different opinion."

The kitsune man stopped a moment to collect his thoughts. His eye bounced between us before he moved to dangle his legs off his bed.

"I'll get straight to the point. In that encounter, I found a path that may cut through our mutual problem.", Mark said.

"You found a path already? Knowing you, a plan must already be in formation. Speak it, and be heard," I replied.

Mark nodded his head before the man attempted to stand. He staggered slightly, but he refused Horace's attempt to assist him. As usual, the kitsune battled to stand on his two feet. His hand reached up and pushed his glasses up on his snout. His frame loomed like a bad omen as he approached the both of us.

"I will admit I was careless, but sometimes you need to expose weakness to lure out lurking predators. Confident and experienced predators often leap at the opportunity to hunt their prey by any means. That phrase is significant, Bud because it indicates that Claire and her mother are not the only targets. From what I can tell, Claire and Horace have done an impeccable job crafting this new Clarice Angea persona. Our enemies legitimately believe that Claire and Clarice are relative rather than being the same person.", Mark said while he stepped toward the mirror on the wall. 

I stepped aside to allow him to move unhindered toward his desired destination. He looked at himself as Horace commented on his statement.

"It is thanks to Lady Claire's magical prowess. Her ability to change her appearance allows her that privilege. Our connections allowed us to craft a believable background without any problems arising."

The kitsune man raised his finger, which brought an intrigued look to Horace's face. 

"If you compare Claire in her original form to her Clarice form, you will find two completely different people. I don't need to know her background to assume that they are different at a cursory glance. Yet, there is one issue that nagged at me for a while. Why is it that she is being surveilled? Your enemies should not be able to piece things together so quickly."

"That is a good question. Perhaps they are wary of the sudden appearance of another Angea family member. You said that they want to hunt the members of the Angea household, so they would likely keep tabs on Clairce as well. She would still be a target.", I said while crossing my arms against my chest.

"Precisely. Horace, whose idea was it to keep the Clarice persona attached to the Angea family?"

The older man furrowed his brow, and I expected him to admit it was his idea. My mind began to work as I aimed to uncover the meaning underneath Mark's words.

'Does Mark suspect Horace? Nah- Why would Horace work alongside Claire's enemies? It doesn't make sense for him to help us if he is against Claire. He would know that bolstering our strength ruins his opportunity to take her out.'

In all of the time I have known Mark, he is a man who hides his provocations when dealing with situations such as this one. He stared at Horace through the mirror with that returning piercing gaze. His tail flickered against his legs as the man awaited an answer. I could sense that Horace was debating whether or not to answer the question. I found his silence to be odd, but it wasn't damning by any means.

"As I suspected. You must've considered pointing that out to Claire beforehand, and you knew she would have shot your analysis down."

"I'm missing something. You need to speak more plainly.", I said.

"If Mark Drago disappeared today, and Mick Drago with white fox ears appeared a week later, would you not find that a tad bit suspicious?"

 "Of course. They are using the same family name, and if I were hunting them, I would also take on the name of 'Mick.' Apparently, there was a hidden Drago who decided to reveal himself at roughly the same time."

"Now, you would have to be purposely obtuse to take on this identity, and from what I have seen from our brief time with her, Claire is not an obtuse individual. However, she is an individual who is loyal to her connections. That is why I believe that her connections are conspiring against her. The few allies that she possesses are intermingled with her enemies. She is overlooking them out of a sense of loyalty."

"What proof that you have for that claim?", Horace asks in a stern tone.

His tone didn't shake Mark as I anticipated. Instead, he wagged his finger at the older man as if he were dissuading a child.

"That is the pesky thing about situations like this one. Proof is hard to come by and that is by design. Normally, your silence would indicate complicity, but I know that you are different.", Mark replied while he turned and pointed toward the older man. "In a situation like this, you look at who benefits. You locate money trails, new position changes, and uncharacteristic growth in certain organizations. The fact that the people are not privy to their leader's disappearance indicates that this group has their tentacles in the official offices as well."

"So you are working off of your gut again?", I inquired with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course I am, and that is the difficult thing about the situation that we were in. Also, Horace, you can put whatever that weapon is down. I can hear you unsheathing it underneath your sleeve."

I quickly snapped my attention to the older man as he ceased his subtle actions. Out of instinct, I leapt backward evading an attack from the older man. Though it was narrow, a faint whiff of a blade excited my senses. Mark was the second one to move, rushing the older man with his palm exposed. He shadowed the blade and when the older man lashed out, he caught the blade with his open palm.

"Holy shit! Mark?!", I exclaimed. I gathered my footing from my leap and stared as the taller kitsune matched the strength of the older Horace.

I attempted to step forward to assist him, but he held out his other hand to discourage the action. Horace seemed taken aback by the strength that Mark possessed as the kitsune man snapped his blade like a cracker.

"I'm doing just fine!", He declared with a boisterous laughter.

Blood leaked from my friend's hand as he stepped back and shielded me with his body. I couldn't help but frown at the older man as he took a step toward the both of us. He oozed a powerful malice that nearly took on a colorful existence. It appears that we have a fight on our hands.