Fight Night! Da Boyz vs. Bodacious Butler!

'This has taken a turn for the worse.'

Mark was outclassed, and it showed. While he had strength on his side, the most he could do was force Horace into backstepping here and there. Horace lashed out with a boot, catching Mark in his bandaged side. Mark moved like a terminator for a man who just awakened a few minutes ago. He managed to catch Horace's kick and attempted to twist the limb.

The move didn't affect the elder as he braced his fall with his arms. To my surprise, Horace was extremely agile for a man his age. Once Mark released Horace's ankle, the older man performed a combat roll and sprung to his feet. It must've shocked Mark just as much as it did me, as he could barely react to a punch aimed at his head. 

The punch filled the room with tremendous power and created a wind gust that was powerful enough to shake anything loosely tied down. My eyes widened as the man punched Mark's blind spot. It was likely the bandage covering his eye that obscured his vision as the tall kitsune endured the blow to his temple. Mark staggered in my direction with his hand clenching that side of his head. My palms reached out to prevent the kitsune from bumping into me.

"Damn, bud. Things aren't looking too good here."

Mark's ears flickered for a moment before he vigorously shook his head. He looked around frantically before slapping himself in the face.

"He just knocked my ass out...", Mark muttered to me.

My eyes widened at his words. From what I could understand, it didn't appear that he had fallen unconscious, considering he was still on his feet and moving. The frantic tail wags that my friend produced informed me that he was bullshitting me. Horace stood before us, and he examined his clenched fist. He stared in bewilderment before he began rolling his wrists.

The black and blue two-piece suit the elder wore didn't have a single cress. Once he finished rolling his wrist, he casually popped his collar open. Despite engaging in a full-on melee with Mark, Horace didn't seem worried. He moved past Mark's strength and stared at us with conviction.

"He knocked you out? How can that be the case, you were still standing?", I asked.

"Bud, he cleaned my clock with that one attack. I was out for a moment, and had I stayed where I was, then I likely would have sustained another injury. I knew this bastard would be tough, but KOing me in one punch is insane."

Mark's tone was frustrated as he scrambled to block Horace's incoming punch. There was not much room to operate in this room, as it was not designed to be a battle area, but that didn't stop Hoarce from attacking. Despite having his initial punches blocked, he finally managed to slip past Mark's defense on one occasion.

With a decisive blow, Horace blasted Mark in his chest and then kneed him in his stomach. While the man reeled from the precise attacks, Horace landed a devastating uppercut to his chin that sent Mark flying back on his ass. Even his glasses took flight, slamming against the ceiling and clankering to the floor. Thunder roared as the previously injured Mark blocked a kick aimed at his face. The impact caused the man to roll backward like a bowling ball.

It was sickening to see him battered in that manner, so I went to assist him. Clenching my fist, I rushed Horace with prejudice. He made little effort dodging my initial two punches, likely because they were sloppy, before he decided to fire back. He was fast, far faster than I anticipated. His fist arched towards my face, threatening to knock me out just as it did to Mark moments before. 

'I won't be able to react!'

A loud smack occurred as I felt myself being pulled backward by something wrapped around my waist. When I realized what had transpired, I breathed a sigh of relief. Standing in between Horace's fist and my body was a resilient wall. While it was not entirely strategic to endure the punch on my behalf, I had grown not to question the often questionable methods of our strategist.

"I can see why no one has attempted to claim Claire's life. With a monster like you by her side, even I might reconsider if the option was discussed!"

Despite being knocked around like a toddler, Mark somehow managed to receive with incredible speed. His tail wrapped around my waist, and with it, he pulled me to safety. He stored before blocking the punch with his forearm before Horace retreated backward with a single leap. I don't know how Mark recovered that quickly, but I was glad. 

"You are formidable, Horace. Your skill in combat is to be revered, but why are you attacking us? Aren't we supposed to be allies?", I questioned the man as he examined his fists again.

"We are allies, but I believe Horace may have a lead to those who-"

"Silence.", Horace demanded.

The older man stared daggers at Mark as he retreated into his thoughts. He clenched his fists as he approached us. Malice oozed from the older man, but neither Mark nor I buckled to his immense pressure. 

"That phrase that you uttered indicates that you have met with our enemies. Enemies who would have killed you, but here you stand, injured you may be, but alive you stand.", Horace growled. "That tells me only one thing."

"They likely would have killed me if they were capable.", Mark responds. He held his hand up to block the powerful punch of our attacker. "I was nearly overpowered by one of their men. He was a wolf demi-human who was powered by a berserker state like nothing I have witnessed thus far. Even with that power, he was unable to defeat me. You may not know much about us, Horace, but I am as resilient as they come. You can take that statement to the bank!"

Mark would attempt to punch Horace in the torso, but the older man evaded with impressive nimbleness. The older man danced around the small room, using his experienced palms to swat away any punches Mark had attempted. Horace was skilled in combat, and every movement he made was precise. It got to the point that Mark forgone attacking and switched to defending himself from Horace's mighty blow. 

Whenever I attempted to intervene, Mark would hold his hand to me, a clear indication that I should not get involved. Witnessing him fighting with those bandages was harrowing, but I made myself useful. While they exchanged blows, I located my friend's glasses and retrieved them. It was surprising to see Mark battle without them, but I suppose his nearsightedness would assist him in combat like this.

"That's enough, Horace. Stop this, or I will be forced to get involved. You are already struggling against Mark. Once I step in, you're finished.", I warned sternly.

The older man ignored my warning and slammed his palm against Mark's chin. The kitsune man staggered in my direction before correcting himself. His hand stroked his goatee, then wiped the leaking blood from his mouth. Horace was now winded from their melee. His silver bangs were in tatters, and his eyes seemed wilder than before. 

"You listen to his reason, Horace. I may have become weaker since waking up, but I am still your superior in close-quarter melees. My endurance is far above yours despite your superior defense. Unless you put me down now, I will overcome you with tenacity," Mark declares with boisterous laughter.

Despite being battered with bandages, Mark stood his ground against the healthier Horace. If they were to fight straight up with Mark in a healthier state, I believed Mark would trounce Horace with his strength. That is especially true if Horace continues on his current path of attack. 

"You are alive because they thought they could plant a rat in Lady Claire's bed! They spared you not for your strength but for your future treachery! I will not allow that treachery to transpire! I will repel their fiendish attempts and make an example out of the both of you!"

His words shot out with conviction and determination. Staring at Horace was akin to staring down a wall. He was unshakeable, and his stance was resolute. This man fully intends to defeat both of us. That was his goal, but it appeared that Mark had something to say about that. With ease, the kitsune began undoing the bandages that covered his injured eye.

"You will try, but I guess I'll have to teach you the same lesson I taught them, because I have questions, and I know you have answers."

He extended his hand toward me, but before I could move, his glasses leviated in the air. The act surprised me as I witnessed the glasses fly to their owner's extended palm. He made a show of placing the lens back on his face before he turned to meet my gaze.

"No need to waste a single ounce of your stamina, bud. Horace is strong, but only one of us is a God of their species. I will trounce him in our next exchange. Just watch me."

Confidence radiated from every pore of his body. His mustache twitched as his lips formed into a smirk. Just like Horace believed his statemate, Mark would believe his own. He placed his hands on his waist and it was then that I noticed a change in his demeanor. The familiar blank expression that painted his features when he was serious.

"Alright. Make it quick then. You still need to rest.", I instructed.