Within three days, I'll Get the Richest Man in Hong Kong to Change His Surname.

The conversation changed too quickly.

Min Hanrong smiled. "The Wu family has always kept a low profile outside."

Han Qianye said bluntly, "Since you're so low-key, let's keep it low-key. In three days, the richest man in Hong Kong will change his surname. What do you think of this suggestion?"

Min Hanrong: "?"

Actually, Han Qianye did not like to show off her family background. Her original intention of going on the in-law variety show was only to facilitate Li Xiwu and her son's successful divorce. No matter how Min Hanrong's group showed off their family background in the variety show, she was not in the mood to compare.

This was the first time she had said such impolite words in front of Min Hanrong today. To others, it might sound ridiculous. But she was the only one who knew how easy it was. She knew too well what kind of power the Pei family had. Besides, her husband was only temporarily retired, not dead!