A Trembling Scene! Shocking Everyone!

Xu Muzhen nodded seriously. "That makes sense. I'd rather believe that a woman's intuition has always been accurate."

Xiang Lan said, "Actually, I believe that too."

The two of them chatted casually. Little Shenshen, who was sleeping in the pram, was also very obedient. Ever since Xie Wen left, be it Han Qianye taking care of her or Xiang Lan, she had never cried.

"Sister Li! Auntie Han!" Seeing Li Xiwu and Han Qianye walk over together, Xu Muzhen stood up and shouted.

Xiang Lan turned around too. "You're here."

Han Qianye walked to the pram. "Xie Wen handed her daughter to me, but I slacked off and let you take care of her. I'm really sorry."

Xiang Lan laughed. "Don't mention it. Xie Wen isn't around, so everyone should help take care of her. We don't have anything to do anyway."

Xu Muzhen said, "Yes, we're bored anyway. It's so fun to tease the little guy."