Find a Way to Approach Li Xiwu

They landed after nearly three hours of flight.

The four groups boarded the production team's minibus. It was an hour and a half's drive. After taking a short rest along the way, they boarded a few off-road vehicles one after another.

The reason why they had changed to an off-road vehicle was that the road into the mountains was really rugged.

Xue Jinzhu and Tang Xian were in the same SUV as Li Xiwu and Han Qianye.

Tang Xian sat in the front passenger seat. Although her eyes were closed, it was obvious that she was not used to the bumpy ride. Han Qianye and Xue Jinzhu's expressions were extremely ugly. Even Li Xiwu did not look too good.

In the other car, Min Hanrong, Tao Jing, Xiang Lan, and Xu Muzhen were in similar situations.

The mountain path was too steep and the bumps along the way were really intense. When they reached a section of the road, there were too many potholes. The car swayed so badly that everyone in the car was frightened.