You Can Fan An Unpopular Group, But You Can't Fan A Heretic Group!

[It's not easy to hold on for eight years.]

[There's a lack of people like Ding Wei now.]

[As expected of Tang Xian. The production team has found the right person this time.]

[I inexplicably feel that Sister Li and Master Tang look more like mother-in-law and daughter-in-law when they stand together.]

[Sister Li is cold and wise, and Master Tang is calm and generous. This matter is the best combination of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in my heart.]

[If Brainless were to see the comments, she might faint from crying in the toilet.]

Li Xiwu took a packet of tissues from her pocket and was about to pull one out and hand it to Ding Wei. Ding Wei smiled through his tears and raised his hand to wipe his wet and hot eyes with his sleeve. "I'll move the supplies now."