On the Eve of the Trouble, Li Xiwu's Choice

Li Xiwu thanked him first, then put her hand on Ah Yue's arm and slowly came down the steps.

She walked up to Xue Jinzhu and took out a handkerchief from the pocket of her down jacket to wipe her face. "How old are you to still cry? It was just a fall. Kids know to stand up and continue playing."

Xue Jinzhu showed Li Xiwu her hand. "Sister Li, my hand hurts. Look."

Li Xiwu smiled. "I saw it. I'll blow on it for you."

Xue Jinzhu's crying face turned into a smile the next second. "I knew Sister Li doted on me~"

Probably because she saw such a shocking snow scene when she woke up in the morning, Li Xiwu was also in a particularly good mood, so she was very accommodating to Xue Jinzhu. After a while, Xue Jinzhu took out her phone to take photos, videos, and selfies. After taking them, she sent them to Chen Xin.

Li Xiwu stood beside her. "Why are you up so early today?"