On the Eve of An Accident, Li Xiwu's Choice

Everyone seemed to have no concept of half a kilometer. They felt that it should be a few rounds. It wasn't until they really started moving them that they realized how hard it was. Every one-way trip felt like a long, long time.

The hardest part was that it started snowing again during the move.

The snow on the road became thicker and thicker. After stepping on it too much, it became very slippery. Almost everyone fell. Xue Jinzhu and Tao Jing fell the most. Their center of gravity was not very stable, so it was easier for them to fall.

After almost seven or eight rounds, everyone was exhausted. Seeing that half the supplies were moved and there were still seven or eight rounds left, no one looked happy.

[I'm tired just looking at it.]

[Although everyone has worked hard, this public service is so meaningful.]

[Xue Jinzhu is so miserable. She's been falling.]