I Saw About Pei Jingzhou's News Four Years Ago

Li Xiwu suppressed a smile. "Then doesn't that mean you'll be in your forties when you get home?"

Qiao Qiao looked hopeless. "I don't think I'll have to wait that long."

Li Xiwu said, "Huh?"

Qiao Qiao looked even more hopeless than before. "I saw Qiao Jingmo recently."

"Qiao Jingmo?" Li Xiwu was slow to react for two seconds. "Your little uncle? He came to the capital?"

Qiao Qiao nodded in a muffled voice. "Yes."

Li Xiwu could tell that Qiao Qiao was afraid of Qiao Jingmo to a certain extent, and Qiao Jingmo's personality was similar to Pei Jingzhou's. That was why Qiao Qiao kept a respectful distance from Pei Jingzhou every time she saw him.

She ended the topic and said, "I've never heard you mention anything about your family before. Why are you telling me so much about your family today?"