Four Years Ago, Chaos in Country T

Country T was in chaos.

Large-scale evacuation of emigrants.

When she saw these words, Li Xiwu was stunned for a long time. In the timeline, the unrest in Country T was four years ago. Even four years ago, the Internet must have been filled with reports of the unrest in Country T.

But she had no impression of the unrest in Country T four years ago. Logically speaking, this shouldn't be the case.

Had she forgotten something?

Li Xiwu continued reading. After the information she found, it detailed the time Pei Jingzhou went to Country T, the reason for his injury, the time he returned to the country, and the time he was hospitalized.

This was a very complete timeline.

Although there was not much content, it was indeed the information Li Xiwu wanted.

After reading it, Li Xiwu fell silent.