Li Xiwu Found What Happened Four Years Ago

Li Xiwu returned to the company. Recently, Mother Dragon's matter has been too popular. Some employees of the company saw her and were often starry-eyed.

Li Xiwu responded to everyone's greetings and went to Qi Jiangchi's office.

Qi Jiangchi crossed his long legs on his desk. His laptop was playing something, and he was focused on it. When he heard the knock on the door, he looked up and saw her enter. He immediately whistled and asked with a smile, "Yo, Internet celebrity Mother Dragon is here."

Li Xiwu smiled faintly. "I'm here to ask if Qi Zishen has signed the next drama."

Qi Jiangchi raised his eyebrows. "You didn't care about me first when you came in."

Li Xiwu smiled and asked, "How has President Qi been recently?"

Qi Jiangchi shook his head. "Not very good. My family began to urge me to get married. It was a bitter business marriage."