Li Xiwu, Out of Control

Who said tears were silent?

It was clearly deafening.

The long-awaited heartache wrapped around Li Xiwu and pressed her down uncomfortably. Her breathing stopped, her face turned pale, and her lips and teeth trembled.

Buzz buzz buzz.

Buzz buzz buzz.

The phone on the table kept vibrating. It was a call from Pei Jingzhou.

The vibration eased Li Xiwu's loss of control. She did not answer. Ignoring the vibrating phone, she moved the mouse and temporarily closed the computer page. Li Xiwu admitted that she did not have the courage to continue reading Li Huaisheng's Baidu Encyclopedia.

Her head hurt too much. The last sequelae had never hurt as much as now.

Soon, the phone on the table regained its calm. There were no more calls.