Joy and Happiness

Although Li Xiwu said that she wanted to discuss it with Pei Jingzhou, what she meant was that she had already implicitly rejected Gao Yueban's invitation. She had no intention of participating in the parent-child variety show.

Gao Yueban could naturally tell from that and he wanted to fight for more, but he was afraid that he would upset Li Xiwu if he said too much now. He thought that since the variety show had yet to be officially announced, he would call again in a while.

He had to wear her down until Li Xiwu agreed.

After ending the call, Li Xiwu put away her cell phone. She had no intention of going on a variety show again, so she did not take it to heart. Realizing that Youyou was looking up at her, Li Xiwu looked back at her. "What's wrong?"

Youyou blinked her big eyes and asked, "Are you sending me back?"

Li Xiwu was stunned for a moment before shaking her head. "No."