Siblings with Different Personalities

Li Xiwu cowered. "…Don't."

Pei Jingzhou buried his face in her neck and rubbed it gently. "I drank two more glasses tonight."

Li Xiwu laughed when she heard that. "The smell of alcohol is so faint. It's probably the first and last glass of two glasses."

Otherwise, who would dare to force Pei Jingzhou to drink? Even if an old friend dared, Pei Jingzhou had a way to avoid it.

Pei Jingzhou nodded. The warm kiss lingered on Li Xiwu's neck, making her feel a little itchy. She raised her hand and pushed him gently. "Go take a shower."

"Mm," Pei Jingzhou replied, but he had no intention of leaving her neck.

Seeing that he could not stand up, Li Xiwu moved her hand to Pei Jingzhou's waist and twisted it.

"Hiss…" Pei Jingzhou hissed in pain, but he did not retreat from Li Xiwu. Instead, he tightened his grip on her lower back. His fingertips slid to the top of her back and stopped at the bra button.