Sweet Happiness (2)

The 22-year-old Pei Jingzhou was no longer the white-shirted young man who pinched her love blossoms in school and stuffed apples into her drawer. He exuded the charm of a mature man. The combination of a brown shirt and black pants was impossible to ignore. The only thing that remained unchanged was his mesmerizing face.

Pei Jingzhou looked at Li You quietly for a few seconds and replied, "Is it possible that I'm here to pick up someone else?"

The corners of Li You's mouth, which was almost at the back of her head, suddenly pulled back. She stopped smiling and snorted arrogantly. Then, she pushed her suitcase and tried to walk past him. She shouted, "Excuse me."

Pei Jingzhou raised his eyebrows and really listened to her. He moved aside slightly to make way for her. The corners of Li You's pursed lips lowered. He had moved away just like that. It seemed that he was really not here to pick her up…