Sweet Happiness (3)

It was time for Li You to get out of the car, but she did not want to leave at all. She refused to let go of Pei Jingzhou. Pei Jingzhou let her hug him like this and did not rush her. He asked casually, "How's your studies recently?"

Li You said, "Why didn't you ask me if I've missed you recently?"

Pei Jingzhou said, "I know that."

"What if I didn't miss you?" she asked deliberately.

It seemed that there was indeed no need to miss him too much. This relationship between the two of them seemed to be a long-distance relationship, but it was actually like falling in love in a neighborhood.

Pei Jingzhou calmly removed her hand from his arm. Seeing this, Li You smiled awkwardly and immediately regained her composure. She did not forget to say, "I was wrong, I was wrong."

Pei Jingzhou said, "You did nothing wrong."

Li You hugged his arm tightly. "I missed you."

Pei Jingzhou smiled. "That sounds a little perfunctory."