Past in Country T (17)

On this special day, Li Huaisheng submitted an application for fireworks in advance.

After the approval, clusters of fireworks bloomed in the night sky. To Li You, who had not seen fireworks for a long time, the scene in front of her was spectacular.

At this moment, she was wearing a burgundy dress and a cashmere coat of the same color. She was standing beside Pei Jingzhou. She raised her hand and pointed at the fireworks in the sky. "Look, doesn't this cluster look like a golden chrysanthemum?"

Pei Jingzhou saw the cluster of fireworks Li You was pointing at and replied, "Yes, but it can also be said that it's in the shape of a golden chrysanthemum."

"No wonder. I remember that the fireworks I've seen in the past seem to be in the shape of golden chrysanthemums… right? It's been too long since I've seen fireworks. I almost forgot." Her tone was coquettish, soft, and lively like a child.