Past in Country T (18)

"Pei Jingzhou!" When Li You saw Pei Jingzhou, the haze above her head dissipated. She slung her bag over her arm and ran quickly in Pei Jingzhou's direction. She ran to Pei Jingzhou and stopped, panting.

Pei Jingzhou reached out and tidied her bangs that were messed up by the wind. He deliberately teased, "It's only been two days since we last met. Do you miss me so much?"

Li You looked depressed. She threw herself into Pei Jingzhou's arms and hugged him. "Pei Jingzhou, I'm in a bad mood."

Pei Jingzhou's slowly raised hand froze. The words of concern were on his lips, but he did not ask a single question. It was not appropriate to stand here and talk. He took her hand. "Get in the car first."

She obediently followed Pei Jingzhou into the car. In Country T, Pei Jingzhou drove himself. Li You sat in the front passenger seat. Pei Jingzhou adjusted the route to go to the hotel he always stayed at.