Hook His Legs With High Heels (1)

"Actually, there's no need…"

Before Qiao Qiao could finish speaking, Shao Jingmo interrupted her. "There's only one car. Do you want the chauffeur to take you back to the company first, or do you want to go back together?"

The two of them were standing on the steps outside the cafe.

Qiao Qiao said, "Let me finish."

Shao Jingmo raised his hand to look at his watch and frowned slightly. "It's getting late. Get in the car and return to the company first. I'll get another car."

"Shao Jingmo, don't keep interrupting!" Qiao Qiao said angrily.

Shao Jingmo's expression was not too good. "My time is very expensive. I can't waste it all here, Jingcheng."

Jingcheng, who had been standing at the back, came forward. "Third Master."

Shao Jingmo instructed, "Send her back to the company."