Light Kiss (3)

Then he was out the door.

Qiao Qiao watched as Shao Jingmo left without hesitation. Her mouth moved and she cursed silently.

In the next few days, Qiao Qiao maintained her principles and didn't go out with Shao Jingmo. She also ate lunch by herself. Other than meeting at home for breakfast and dinner, she rarely saw him at the company during the day.

The stalemate lasted for more than a month.

During this period, Qiao Qiao gradually became familiar with the company's business. Under Dou Ying's lead, she followed a development team project and worked on it for more than a month.

The product was still in the testing stage. There was still some time before the acceptance stage. Qiao Qiao was sent out to meet a customer.

When she met the client, Qiao Qiao was very reserved. However, she had seriously remembered the words Secretary Dou had given her and knew how to deal with it.