Marriage before Love, Dating (2)

Qiao Qiao only asked this on a whim. However, Shao Jingmo did not give her an answer directly. Instead, he asked her, "Are you certain or just guessing?"

Qiao Qiao pursed her lips. "I'm just asking. I'm not certain or guessing."

Actually, she shouldn't have asked. She clearly knew that Shao Jingmo had someone he liked, and that person was very likely the outstanding, capable, and beautiful Song Yun. After having sex with Shao Jingmo, she still felt a little guilty, even though she was Shao Jingmo's legitimate wife.

As she thought this, Qiao Qiao's chin was suddenly gently hooked by his outstretched hand. She was forced to turn her gaze to him.

Shao Jingmo asked, "You're not certain, nor were you guessing?" Qiao Qiao wanted to nod, but she couldn't with his hand under her chin. Shao Jingmo lowered his hand and gently caressed her fair neck. "Aren't I obvious enough?"

Qiao Qiao blinked.

Shao Jingmo suddenly pressed her down.