Shao Jingmo, Do You Like Me? (3)

"What meeting? Why didn't I know?"

"Let's go."

"Hey, hey, hey. Why didn't you inform me in advance about the meeting? Shao Jingmo, walk slower. It's easy to fall if I don't see the way clearly."

"Then I'll carry you."

"Don't you dare!"

"I dare!" Before Qiao Qiao could protest, Shao Jingmo picked her up in front of Father Qiao. Before he left, he specially said to Father Qiao, "I'll leave first."

Father Qiao was dumbfounded as he watched his daughter be carried away by Shao Jingmo. Mother Qiao walked to Father Qiao's side and nudged him with her elbow. "Isn't it strange?"

Father Qiao hissed. "Young men's way of dealing with relationships is simple. When they make a fuss, they ignore each other for a month. When they reconcile, he immediately hugs her. There's nothing strange about this though. I haven't found anything strange about what Guigui does since she was young."