Huge Misunderstanding (3)

For a moment she thought she was hearing things, until the second and third knock came.

Qiao Qiao immediately put on her slippers and ran towards the door. However, she did not open the door immediately. Instead, she took a deep breath to calm herself down before opening the door.

Shao Jingmo was standing outside the door. He was still wearing a rain-stained jacket. His hair was not messy at all, and his face was still Qiao Qiao's favorite.

As she'd hoped, she opened the door and saw the person she'd wanted to see most. The hidden joy in her heart was obvious, and the corners of her eyes quickly filled with smiles. She said, "You're back."

Shao Jingmo pushed the door open a little and stepped into her bedroom. She stepped back when he stepped in until he reached out and closed the door. He raised his hand to untie his jacket and twist it away. Qiao Qiao took the initiative to help him take off his rain-stained jacket.