It's Really Only You (1)

Qiao Qiao hung up his coat and came over. She saw a rose in Shao Jingmo's palm.

"Who sent it?" he asked, looking at her.

This tone sounded inexplicably interrogative to Qiao Qiao, but she didn't lie to Shao Jingmo. "It's… from Bai Chen."

Shao Jingmo was not surprised to hear this name. "He was here."

Qiao Qiao nodded. "Yes, he came once." Afraid that Shao Jingmo would be angry and think that she had come into contact with the Bai family, she deliberately explained, "But I didn't let him in. I only spoke to him through the door. The bodyguards you arranged can prove it."

Shao Jingmo walked up to her with the rose in his hand and asked, "What did you talk about?"

Qiao Qiao tried to take the rose from his palm. "He took advantage of your absence to fool me and even changed his surname to trick me into opening the door for him. I'm not stupid. How could I open the door for him just because he changed his surname?"