Raising the Bargain To Flirt With Him (1)

After Wei Yu left, Pei Jiao immediately closed the door and locked it. She leaned against the door and looked down at the phone she had just received. An extremely carefree feeling made her exhale an even more carefree breath.

She laughed. She smiled especially happily. But soon, she couldn't smile anymore, because she seemed to have forgotten to ask Wei Yu what the screen lock was.


Why was she so careless? Perhaps she was too excited.

Pei Jiao quickly opened the door and walked out. At this moment, Wei Yu returned. The two of them were caught off guard and Pei Jiao smiled awkwardly. "Did you come back to tell me the password to your cell phone?"

Wei Yu nodded. "Sorry, I forgot to tell you just now."

Pei Jiao walked up to him and handed him the phone. "Then unlock it." She made a show of not intending to pry into his privacy at all.