Raising the Bargain To Flirt With Him (2)

At this point, Pei Jiao's tone was clearly crying.

"So what if it fell into the water? It's not a big deal. It's really not that big of a deal." Ji He quickly took the cell phone and comforted her.

Pei Jiao sobbed and asked, "Is it really fine? The phone was already switched off when I pulled it out of the water. I don't know if it can be repaired. Will we not be able to find the information Wei Yu usually keeps in his phone?"

"It's fine, it's really fine." Ji He looked at the cell phone as he comforted Pei Jiao and said, "This is only Young Master's spare cell phone. He rarely uses it. There's no important information on it. Don't blame yourself too much."

Pei Jiao narrowed her eyes. "Then I didn't cause him any trouble?"

"No, don't worry," Ji He said in a guaranteed tone.