Raising the Bargain To Flirt With Him (3)

At this point, everything was logical. Wei Yu had a pivotal position in the base, so he could not do anything as he pleased. The pass card was meant to make things easier for her. It was also a silent trap. Nothing happened to her if she behaved. If she didn't behave, she would fall into this trap.

Although she had a fake identity, it did not make sense when Wei Yu picked her up in the mountains.

In addition, she had never explained why she appeared at that place in the middle of the night. Even though Wei Yu had a good impression of her now, liking her did not conflict with suspecting her identity.

It had to be said that Wei Yu was really meticulous. Even in a relationship, he was wary of her.

At the thought of this, Pei Jiao suddenly smiled. She was already caught between a rock and a hard place. She did not expect to go all out to increase her chips. She had to get out as soon as possible.