Everyone Is Unjust, Everyone Is Sinful (1)

Pei Jiao calculated her period and realized that it had been delayed for more than half a month. Her period was not always accurate every month. Occasionally, it would be delayed, or it would come in advance. Seeing that she was bleeding, she felt that it should be a late period, so she did not think too much about it.

When she came out of the bathroom, she looked up and saw Qin Zhuoning's back waiting for her. She walked over and shouted, "Brother Zhuoning."

Qin Zhuoning turned around, his brows filled with worry. "Are you feeling unwell?"

"There's no discomfort." Pei Jiao shook her head gently. "I need to buy some hygiene supplies." She didn't bring it with her when she went out, so she naturally had to buy it on the spot.