Everyone Is Unjust, Everyone Is Sinful (2)

Chinese medicine emphasized on observing, hearing, and asking questions. Ever since Pei Jiao came, the old Chinese medicine doctor had observed Pei Jiao's every move and facial expression. When Pei Jiao and Qin Zhuoning were talking, the old Chinese medicine doctor listened quietly. Then, the old Chinese medicine doctor sat down. When he was tidying up the pulse pillow, he asked Pei Jiao a few questions about her current sleeping state and working state. Pei Jiao answered them one by one, and finally, she took her pulse.

Pei Jiao's expression was calm. The most she could think of was a deficiency in qi, uterus, and insufficient qi and blood. If it was more serious, she would go straight to the hospital. If it was not serious, she would prescribe medicine to recuperate. It was a very simple matter.