There's a Strong Wind Outside

Shan Chen's room was not locked. He was very assured of his family and did not have the habit of locking it every day. After all, other than Shan Yue who came occasionally, no one else in the Shan family would enter his room.

This gave Shan Xing a chance. She had already planned to take the risk to look in Shan Yue's room again if she could not find what she wanted in Shan Chen's room. She quickly walked to Shan Chen's desk. Shan Xing was the first to see the expensive computer on the desk. It was said that this computer alone cost tens of thousands. Shan Xing immediately gritted his teeth in jealousy.

"Little b*tch, you only know how to use money to buy people's hearts." Shan Xing cursed hatefully as she searched. She flipped through everything on the desk but couldn't find anything. Could it be in the bag Shan Chen was carrying to school?