Suspected for Fake

On the other side, Shan Chen had also arrived at the classroom. The male students beside his seat were discussing fervently, erupting into violent laughter from time to time.

Shan Chen was not popular in the class. He was more introverted and focused all his life on his studies. Therefore, he never participated in such discussions and quietly revised his homework.

Sitting diagonally in front of Shan Chen was a boy with dyed brown hair, earrings, and a pitted face. His name was Jiang Ren. He thought he was very fashionable, but in fact, he was a typical hooligan who liked to pick quarrels and cause trouble everywhere.

Because Jiang Ren's family was very rich and he had a fiery temper, he became a popular person among the boys in the class. He usually organized food, drinks, and fun.