The Beginning of the Yang Corporation

Shan Yue's speech was very relaxed, and her rationality was even clearer. "It can be said that there's only such a big piece of cake in the Federation's central city. We were originally in charge of our own piece. Now that the Yang family has come in and wants to take one's share of the loot, each of us will definitely lose a portion. I believe everyone doesn't want to see such a situation."

"President Shan is right. Since the Yang family has the ability to make a name for themselves overseas, this is enough to show that they are definitely not a vase with an undeserved reputation."

Zhou Xuan's eyes were filled with determination. He still had some say in the Yang family. "Once we give the Yang family enough space to display their strength in the central city of the Federation, their momentum will be as fast as a ferocious beast hunting. If we react and take precautionary measures at that time, I'm afraid our piece of cake will be allocated."