Getting to the Point

"President Shan, don't take this small matter to heart. If it weren't for you, I might have no children now." Dong Peng was still grateful to Shan Yue from the bottom of his heart. This was because she had saved his son's life twice and could be considered the savior of the Dong family. "He's been clamoring to learn how to drive from you after his injuries recover."

"Of course there's no problem. Learning how to drive is a small matter. There's still a long time in the future. There will be plenty of opportunities for him to learn. However, we still have to prioritize our bodies for now. We have to recover well. Once our bodies collapse, we'll have nothing."

The two of them chatted briefly after meeting to kill time and wait for Zhou Xuan's arrival.

After drinking half a cup of tea, footsteps could be heard in the corridor outside the office.