Race Against Time

Lang Nan thought for a moment, and then right on the heels of that, he patted his face, wanting to pull himself together as soon as possible. "Go to the laboratory immediately and tell them that the antidote this time must guarantee me quality. If I lose to Shan Yue again, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"Understood, Brother Lang. I'll do it immediately."

While all parties were still preparing their plans, the development of the entire matter far exceeded everyone's imagination.

During this week, although Yu Sen and Luo Xin's live-stream had proven the reliability of their vaccines, no one was the first to dare to try. Most people chose to wait and see, waiting for the results in a week.

However, this week gave the virus a chance to invade the Federation's Central City again. This time, it was not just an ordinary virus, but a mutated virus.