Helping Others

Shan Yue's tone became very heavy. After all, what she had done concerned the future of the entire Federation City and even the entire country. "Zhou Xuan, you have to stabilize the current situation. No matter how bad things happen, as long as there's no riot, there's still a chance."

"Leave these things to me. Just focus on researching the antidote now. I'll take care of everything else for you." The expression in Zhou Xuan's eyes gradually became firm. "Isn't it just time? Even if I use all the connections and funds of the Zhou Corporation, I will definitely delay until you succeed."

"Before that, you can already replace the chief of the police station, Wang Ming. The situation when I went to see Lang Nan that night, plus what Cheng Yan told me, I'm 100% sure that he's already Lang Nan's man."