
The second method was to defeat Duo Feng's forces through battle. However, this method was the last thing Ye Ying wanted to see. No matter who won or lost in the end, it would definitely hurt his vitality. That would go against his original thoughts.

No matter what method he used, Ye Ying had a certain difficulty.

But he didn't have that much time to think about these things now. He had to find the traitor hidden in the gang before the battle completely started.

At this moment, the thoughts in Ye Ying's mind quickly surged, and the idea of probing quickly surfaced.

With his personality, he wouldn't drag things out at all. He immediately called Yu Feng.

"Gather all the elders here. There are still some unknown secrets as to why this matter has developed to this point." Ye Ying's tone sounded very serious with a hint of anger. "I want to see who has the guts to do such a traitorous thing today."