Room for Negotiation

"There's no room for negotiation on this. The five of them have to be here today. I'm just informing them, not consulting them."

Ye Ying seemed to be thinking about something and gave his reply resolutely. "Just say it's what I said. If anyone dares to disobey your orders, you can punish them directly."

"Boss, I followed what you just said, but it's useless to Elder Qiao. He acted as if he didn't hear me and continued to do whatever he wanted." Yu Feng shook his head, his tone revealing a trace of helplessness. "Elder Qiao is the most prestigious and powerful of the five elders, but I can't really use force against him. I'm afraid this doesn't conform to the rules."

"Then what is he doing now?" Ye Ying asked. After all, it was an important moment in the war. His goal was only to find the traitor in the Elders Council, not to cause chaos and cause the other elders to fall apart.