Died Just Like That

Lang Nan knew very well that Shan Yue was not threatening him. Be it her personality or strength, she could indeed do this. "Shan Yue, all of this is just a misunderstanding. That's not my intention."

"Lang Nan, shut up." Shan Yue interrupted him. She did not have the patience to listen to his useless explanation.

"When we first met, you said that it was a misunderstanding. Now, you've sent someone to kill me. How can you say that it was a misunderstanding?"

Shan Yue's tone gradually became serious. "But it doesn't matter if it's a misunderstanding now, because you won't have a chance to attack me next time. If you have such thoughts, why don't you think about how to live well for the next few days?"

"Shan Yue, what do you want? I'm warning you that I'm a public official of the country. You can't do anything rash." The fear in Lang Nan's heart gradually increased.