Endless Abyss

"Don't forget that cell phones can also record. I'll record your every move now."

Although Lang Nan was very flustered, he still threatened Shan Yue, "If you dare to do anything out of line, I'll post the video online. When the evidence is conclusive, I'll see how you explain it. Recently, the people in the Federation's central city have been bored at home. It just so happens that your news will entertain everyone."

However, what Lang Nan did not know was that Shan Yue hated it the most when others threatened her. Not only were these words useless to Shan Yue, but they would only speed up her actions.

Especially when it came to electronic technology, threatening her was simply the worst choice. After all, the title of the world's number one hacker was not for nothing.

"It's okay. I'll wait for you." After saying this, Shan Yue was not in the mood to continue talking nonsense. She suddenly raised her hand and aimed the gun at Ah Yong's head.