What Do You Want?

"Mrs. Lang, you're looking down on us too much. Do we look like people who lack money? It's impossible for you to use money to patronize us."

A strange smile appeared on Chang Ling's side profile, making one's back turn cold. "We're different from ordinary robbers. We don't rob money or rape, nor will we hurt your family."

These words instantly made Mrs. Lang not know what to do. "Then what do you want?"

Chang Ling took out a piece of paper and a pen from his pocket. He wrote a few large words on the paper and placed it on the table.

"Mrs. Lang, please pass this sentence to Deputy Governor Lang. This way, our efforts today will not be in vain."

Chang Ling's black and white eyes flickered, and a smug smile appeared on his lips. "If we don't make some noise, I'm afraid Deputy Governor Lang won't take us seriously, so we can only do this."