Fulfill Any Request

Just as Liu Qing was waiting for the opportunity to take action, Chang Ling had already hidden at the entrance of the villa with his men.

At such a critical moment, Lang Nan would definitely stay in the provincial department every day and not have time to go home. Moreover, he treated all the guards in the villa as his last trump card. Only these forces could guarantee the safety of him and his family.

Although he had already entrusted the organization to kill Shan Yue, he had to be prepared for the worst. If he really lost the final battle with Shan Yue, he had to ensure that his family survived safely no matter what.

"Do it quickly. Don't leave any evidence at the scene." Chang Ling gathered everyone he had brought. "The other party also has firearms and weapons. And it's still unknown for the time being what other lethal weapons there are. Everyone, you have to remember this. No matter what, you have to ensure your safety."
