Gunshots As Signal

Chang Ling deliberately lowered his voice. "What should I do here? Should I just follow your instructions and kill him, or let him go?"

"Can you confirm if it's dangerous? Is it one of Lang Nan's men?" Shan Yue sandwiched her phone between her head and shoulders. As she called Chang Ling, she observed the last wire.

"I saw a gun and a remote control in his car, so it should be the person Lang Nan sent to keep an eye on the surveillance cameras."

Seeing that he was about to clear the obstacles on the road, Chang Ling's tone became a little anxious. "President Shan, he's about to be done. If we don't make a move now, we won't have a chance. Since he's already here, it means that he must be suspicious of the surveillance video. If we wait any longer, I'm afraid it'll be bad."