In Broad Daylight

Fighting the pain in his body, he slowly parted his lips. "Who are you, why are you here, and why did you attack me?"

"Isn't it obvious who I am?" Chang Ling had completed his mission. At this moment, he was very relaxed. "Don't you know what you and your master, Lang Nan, have done? I'm the person who came to take your life."

As soon as he said this, the bodyguard instantly reacted. The only person who could appear at the entrance of the warehouse at this time was Shan Yue, who had come to save her brother.

If it were any other time, the bodyguard would have been a little afraid when he saw Chang Ling or Shan Yue. But now, he had the bomb detonator. The worst outcome would be mutual destruction.

Besides, it was indeed worth it for him to exchange the lives of a small bodyguard for the lives of these two people, including the boss of a company. Therefore, he had nothing to be afraid of.