It's now or never ( vol 2 part 4)

Crystal was shocked after knowing that the person whome she thought she could actually trust turned out to be a monster ,she was cursing herself under her breath for trusting Shane. River of tears formed in her eyes she didn't want to show anyone her weakness so, she ran out and went to the small yard he (Shane) had .

Reo followed her while Fay and Ash were still inside dealing with Shane. Reo said softly "l know when people break our trust it hurts maybe like hell don't know about other but I have experienced it and that's why I didn't trusted you at first and lashed out at you. l'm sorry for that ". Crystal looked at him she couldn't hold back her tears anymore so she hugged him and broke down, he was shocked and flinched a little at first but then hugged her back and patted her head until she calmed down. After few minutes she realized what she was doing then pulled away quickly blushing slightly and said sorry he just chuckled softly she looked at him and saw he looked more handsome closely and very amiable or adorable.

They were silent for few moments when Ash and Fay came out and said that they have to leave immediately. She looked at them and asked " can l meet Shane " . When Fay said "NO" you cannot cause it's dangerous for you to be with him " she just nodded sadly and left.

All the time she was only thinking about Shane, the memories they spent together and how she developed feelings for him. She still didn't want to believe the fact that Shane was there to kill her. The three hunters were taking care of her very well and Reo was also opening up to her ,they were wore getting along well.

She started forgetting Shane and what ever happened to. One day she was admiring the mansion when she heard some noise from the library when she went inside she saw Reo looking through some old book. She asked him, he just shook his head and went opposite direction. She followed him and asked "Hey you said something about breaking trust and all that day when we were at Shane's place .What was that about? " Reo sighed and signaled her to follow and sat on a chair she did the same. He started " I was a very introvert kid ,who didn't like talking or playing just books. My parents were my only friends but one day l woke up and saw many people were gathered in my house just as I went to check all eyes fell on me and what I saw made my blood boil the Queen Libra was holding a sword at my moms neck and both my parents were kneeling down in front of her they looked at me and said "you take our son " I was shocked when they said that " he is a genius and he will work for you and pay our debt " I didn't knew what was happening they just sold me to the Queen. I quickly ran out of the town without looking back and crying because of my parents .Still hard to believe that the person whom I trusted the most did that. That's why I always had trust issues. Tears forming in his eyes he chuckled and said " couldn't believe l am crying in front of a girl "

She laughed lightly and said in disbelief "you are all broken up but still trying to be brave "

They laughed and talked for hours and became fond of each other.