Chapter 9 - Consequences

For the next month Havok slowly increased the amount of slop he ate, and it was showing. He was putting on muscle, while it was not a lot, it was still noticeable. He was feeling better as well. Before he started eating more, he lived in a state close to starvation as he never completed the 'food' given to him. But now he was eating several portions for breakfast, lunch and dinner. He was never hungry anymore.

He began to work on his stamina because that was the area that he could improve the most in the shortest amount of time. Although he was against it when he first started training, now that he had more confidence in his fighting ability paired with his increase in size, he decided that it was better training for him than boxing. Also, just boxing against his mattress was getting boring.

He would run big laps around the entire outdoor area. And whenever he did get interrupted, he would take that chance to train his fighting skills.

It was the night of his fight. He was relaxed as he had done this several times and he had confidence in himself that he would not lose no matter what. He made his way to the ring and was shocked when he saw his opponent. It was a scrawny kid that was actually shorter than him and although he looked older, he certainly did not look like a fighter. He looked scared unlike anyone else that Havok had faced in the ring thus far.

Havok was wondering what was going on and then it made sense once he remembered the conversation he had with Raffi. This kid was probably selected because it would make the odds skew in Havok's favor even more than they already were with his winning streak at 14. He looked around at the edge of the pool where all of the staff usually lined up to watch and he saw Raffi there.

He seemed to notice Havok looking at him and gave Havok a smile as if taunting him to defy him. Havok ignored it and focused on his opponent even though he didn't look like a fighter it did not mean that he was going to take it easy on him. They met in the middle of the ring and a staff member told them the rules and the fight began.

This was the easiest fight he ever had. He ended it quickly, in less than a minute his opponent was knocked out. This was also the first time he didn't have any injuries because his opponent never got the chance to swing. He was asked what he wanted, he gave the same answer he always did, and the staff agreed. He was escorted back to his room and then went to sleep.

In the middle of the night his door slid open. Havok was a relatively light sleeper, and the door made a bunch of noise when it opened. He jumped out of his bed and saw Raffi. Raffi closed the gap between them instantly and Havok felt a stabbing sensation on his arm. He looked down and saw a syringe stuck in his arm with some unknown liquid being pumped into him. Instantly he felt sleepy, he tried to fight it, but he failed in the end.

His eyelids became heavy, and he started to fall to the ground then he felt Raffi grab him and throw him over his shoulder. The last thing he heard was Raffi laughing as his eyes closed and he fell asleep.

Raffi made his way through the complex to an area that Havok had never seen before. He walked up to a door and scanned his card. He opened the door and several steps appeared that took him down to a basement. Which seemed like his own personal torture space. You could tell from the amount of dried blood on the floor that the kids that had the misfortune to be brought down.

He got to the bottom of the stairs and tossed Havok in on the ground. Then he tied Havok's hands together and strung him from a metal chain that was connected to the ceiling. Raffi went over to the sink in the corner of the room and grabbed a bucket off of the ground. He filled it up with water, walked over to Havok and threw it on him to wake him up.

Havok woke up groggy, when his eyes finally focused, he looked around and realized where he was. Some unknown place that had no windows and the only light in the room was from one of the lights that was used to light the ring when fights were happening. Meaning that it was blindingly bright when it was shining directly on his face.

He was unable to endure the burning pain any longer and had to close his eyes. Raffi, who was standing behind the light, noticed this and moved it from his face and repositioned it, so that it would focus on his body. Havok felt the light move off of his face and slowly opened his eyes.

Havok stared at Raffi, but he didn't say anything. Raffi could see the fury in Havok's eyes and was pleased. Raffi taunted him "Hahaha, I love that look! You are never going to escape, but please try all you want because this is the most enjoyable thing I get to do. Now let's have some fun shall we!? Hahaha!"

Havok ignored what he said and instead looked at what was behind Raffi. It was a wall that had several tools hanging from it. He recognized most of them, they were the same tools from the book he read about enhanced interrogation. He looked closely at them, and he could see dried blood on several of them.

Raffi turned around, walked over to the wall and scanned his tools. After a few seconds he finally picked what he wanted to use. He chose the whip with a smile and turned back towards Havok. He cocked his arm back and swung forward as hard as he could.

It broke the sound barrier and then, Thwack!

It hit Havok's back. It blasted apart his raggedy shirt, it drew blood and left a long lash across his back. Havok grunted but refused to cry out as he knew that would only make Raffi happier. The lashings didn't stop.

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

Every time the whip moved blood would splash all over the place. The floor, wall and even Raffi himself were getting covered in blood. Havok lost count of how many times he was whipped after number 20.

Although Havok would grunt every time he got hit, he never screamed or cried out. He wouldn't give the asshole that added satisfaction. That was part of the reason Raffi seemed to inflict more pain and injuries on Havok. Havok was correct, hearing the screams of his victims was what he found the most pleasurable about torturing someone.

Just because Havok never cried out didn't mean he couldn't feel pain, this pain was the most intense he had ever felt and as a result he had already lost consciousness when Raffi walked in front of him.

"Tch. Fucking bastard, wake up!" He punched Havok in the stomach as hard as he could. Havok's body was flung backwards and then swung right back in front of Raffi. However, aside from blood spilling out of Havok's mouth there was no sign of him waking up. Raffi walked over to the wall where his tools were, he dropped the whip and bent down to pick up a red lunchbox. He opened it up and took out a syringe long with a vial. He turned the vial upside down and inserted the syringe. Once it was full, he gave the syringe a few taps to make sure that he got rid of any air bubbles.

He walked back over to Havok and jabbed the syringe into his thigh. Within a second Havok jerked awake and sucked in a big breath.

"Gah! Hah…Hah…Hah…"

Havok kept panting as his heart was pounding like it never had before. The pain he was in was immense. His back was stinging, and he could feel blood dripping down his back all the way down to his feet. Raffi went back to the red lunchbox and took out several small white squares. He peeled off the sticky back and stuck the white square on Havok's chest. He did this a few more times. After that he went over to the tiny closet that the room had and pulled out a metal poll with some wheels on the bottom. It had a monitor in the middle and two hooks at the top. He turned on the monitor and rolled it beside Havok, so that they both could see what his vitals were. "Those little things will help me monitor your vitals on this monitor to make sure that you don't die on me. Every time you pass out, I will give you another injection of adrenaline. This will continue until your heart is unable to take it anymore. Then we will repeat the same thing tomorrow and the next day and the day after that. You won't be going anywhere, I bought you from my employer for a significant price I might add, you should be proud. You were by far the most expensive out of all of the ones I have bought so far. I will make sure that I get my money's worth. I am free to do whatever I want to you, and no one will ever hear you, and you will never leave this room again. At least not alive that is. I told you that you would not be able to fathom what I was going to do to you." He cackled as he picked his whip back up and continued whipping Havok.