Chapter 10 - Sudden changes

Raffi kept his word as Havok's heart could only take so much before the monitor was beeping rapidly signaling that his heart was in danger of failing. This situation continued the next day and the next. Havok would count any time that Raffi left as a day, since there was no clock or sunshine to tell him how much time had passed.

Eventually he lost track of how many days he had been here. He would regain consciousness whenever he was injected with adrenaline. After the first day he noticed that there were IV bags hung on the pole. He figured that must be what was keeping him from starving to death or running out of fluids because he hasn't been fed or had any water since he was brought here.

Havok was naked now as his shirt was destroyed the first day he was here. His legs were whipped the next day and that destroyed his pants. Whenever Havok needed to use the restroom, he was forced to just do it on himself. The good news was that because he was hanging it would mostly drip off of him into the drain below him. Raffi would hose him down with some kind of cleaning solution any time that happened and at the end of every torture session. He said it was because he didn't want any of his wounds to get infected and die any sooner than he wanted him too. It also had the added benefit of burning the wounds that Havok had. Whenever that happened it would wake Havok up and it took all his will power not to scream.

Raffi did not only use the whip, but he also cycled through all of his tools and to make sure that the skin in any area had a chance to somewhat heal he would cycle through his back torso, legs, arms, hands and feet.

Havok has had nails driven into both his hands and feet. They stayed in until the next visit. He had both of his shoulders dislocated several times. His finger and toenails were both ripped off with pliers. Raffi also smoked cigarettes and any time he needed to put them out he used Havok's body as an ashtray. Raffi would make cuts on his body with a scalpel and then sew it up as if he was practicing. Havok, who would only be fully conscious for brief moments, noticed that Raffi would often write in a notebook, and he would dictate his notes as if he was a scientist or a doctor performing experiments.

Time continued to pass and Havok no longer cared about counting the days, he just wanted to find some way to get out of this room. Everything was normal as Raffi had just left and Havok was barely conscious when something strange happened.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

It seemed like the entire earth shook every time a loud boom was heard. The room he was in shook violently, he heard all of the tools fall off the wall and the chain that he was hung from snapped and for the first time in what seemed like forever he was on solid ground. He was still bleeding from the torture not too long ago, but he didn't care. His laughter filled the room even though his voice was hoarse from not having anything to drink for a long period of time.

The room was pitch black, but he was able to memorize where everything was after being here for so long. All of the muscles he built have diminished as he had not used them for such a long time. The blood was actually a good thing as he struggled to drag himself over to where the sink was located. He knew that he didn't have the strength to lift himself off the ground all the way up to the sink. What he was aiming for was the bucket that was kept on the ground. He felt around until he finally hit the bucket and he heard the water sloshing around.

He didn't have the patience to scoop water out by the handful, so he decided to just dunk his head in the bucket and drink water like a fish. After he had his fill, he flung his head back and took a deep breath. 'Well now what do I do? There is no food and its pitch black in here, there is also the problem of my bleeding. Based on how slippery I am, the fall must have opened up all of the wounds that didn't have time to heal fully.' Havok didn't get to think that much because he passed out in the middle of his thoughts.

Havok didn't know how much time had passed when he finally awoke, but he was feeling better than he ever had before. He felt well rested and oddly he was not hungry anymore. He felt around his body and noticed that he wasn't bleeding anymore. Although the wounds were not closed, they stopped bleeding. "What the hell is going on?" He said before he closed his eyes because he felt something around him. He was not sure what it was, it was like something that he could quite touch, but he was able to feel it. It confused him to no end. He sat there in silence trying to grasp whatever that elusive thing was.

He continued to sit there in silence until suddenly he was able to feel it. Though it was only just a little he could still feel it. It was a strand of some sort of energy. He didn't know what to do with it, but he figured that this energy must be the reason why he is no longer hungry, and his injuries had gotten better. He decided to treat it like food and guided the strand of energy into his stomach. It took some time because the strand was elusive. It was like trying to catch a bar of soap that someone threw at you. However, he kept at it.

He finally was able to guide it into his body and he immediately felt the benefits. He felt full but comparing how he felt right now to how he felt when he was full on gruel there were no comparisons. He felt like he entered another world. He continued to search for whatever this energy was and absorb as much as he could.

After a while he noticed something strange happening to his body, and the energy started to gather in his stomach. He could see it just floating there, but it wasn't doing anything it was if it was waiting for directions. He was also unable to absorb less and less as more of the energy gathered there.

He finally opened his eyes for the first time since he found the first strand of energy. He was shocked because he knew that he was still in the basement, but he was able to see now. Though it was not as good as he would be able to if the room had a light, but he could see, nonetheless. He sat there and just looked around amazed when all of the sudden he felt something.

It was like something was calling him. He shot up off the ground, those strands of energy completely healed all his wounds, and he regained the muscle that he lost. The calling was like someone whispering to him, he made his way up the stairs and after a few minutes he finally managed to pry the door open.

He was in a part of the complex he had never been to before and calling it a complex right now would be an overstatement given its current state. Several parts of the complex collapsed, in fact where he was standing, he could see directly outside. The roof had broken apart and large slabs of metal and rock covered the ground all around him. There were also blood trails everywhere. "Holy shit, what happened!? Why is there blood everywhere and where are the bodies? It's just blood trails. Wait a second… Oh, shit!" Havok looked outside and saw that the fence that once separated the complex from the massive forest behind it was gone. Right when he was about to run away that feeling returned. It was like something was guiding him into the forest.

He knew that the forest was dangerous because the only explanation for their being blood and no bodies was that the animals in the forest attacked the complex. All of the blood trails also led to the forest, and it was currently nighttime as well which means that many of the animals that were nocturnal were out hunting right now.

Everything about this situation told him to avoid going into the forest, but he always listened to his instincts, and they were telling him to trust that calling. He didn't know why, but he decided to go anyway. First things first though he needed to put on some sort of clothing. He was currently naked, and he didn't want to risk any animals biting or swiping at his genitals as he made his way through the forest.

He did his best to make sure that he was as quiet as possible and searched through all of the rooms around him, trying to find anything to wear even if it didn't fit. He searched several rooms and still found nothing. He finally found some clothes in a room and just as he was putting on the clothes that were a few sizes too big, he heard something that he really wished he didn't.


He had just finished when he heard some animal growling at him. Havok was not an idiot, so he darted out of the room without even seeing what it was and just barely managed to slam the door closed before it smashed into. It was a metal door and whatever the animal was it left a massive dent in it. Havok looked around frantically for something to keep the door from opening. While he was doing this the animal was not idle. It kept throwing itself into the door.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

He spotted a piece of metal that was just the right size to fit behind the door handles, the only problem was that it was just out of reach. Sweat was dripping off of his face as he knew that he had to make a gamble. He needed to wait for the animal to back up and charge the door again and the next time it backed up he needed to grab the piece of metal and shove it behind the door handles before the animal slammed into the door again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He waited and made sure that he got the timing perfect. He knew that if he mistimed it that he would certainly be killed by whatever it was.


He snatched the piece of metal off the ground and barely managed to get it behind the door handles before the animal slammed into the door again.

"Whew. Holy shit, I need to get out of here. The noise will definitely attract any others that are near me. I hope I made the right choice." Havok said as he exhaled and sprinted towards the forest.