The Start of Discussion About Hikari

"During the period of the last few months after we 'dealt with' the Third Elder and his wife, the boy's parents, we initially couldn't reach a consensus regarding his fate. Thus, it was decided to move the matter to a later date, allowing us to periodically review his development at weekly meetings such as this.",

As Patriarch Hiyaroshi Hyuga spoke, his presence commanded attention, not only through his words but also through his distinguished appearance. His aged yet sharp features were illuminated by the dim light of the room, casting soft shadows that accentuated the wisdom etched into his face. 

"In the interim, the boy was placed under the close surveillance of the Fifth Elder. Given that he is the most recent addition among us and the youngest, he was eager to prove his worth and contribute meaningfully to the Council.",

"However, a significant development has since occurred. The boy has independently activated his Byakugan at just three years of age, marking a record-setting moment in the extensive history of our clan. Fifth Elder, I believe everyone here is keen to hear your perspective first. What do you think of the boy now?",

As he discussed the fate of young Hikari, those eyes revealed a mixture of solemnity and anticipation. His hands, which rested gently on the table before him, occasionally moved with deliberate gestures that underscored the importance of his words.

His demeanor was one of calm control, yet there was an underlying excitement—a rare crack in his usually stoic exterior—as he broached the topic of Hikari's unprecedented achievement. This subtle shift in his expression hinted at the significance of the moment, not just for Hiyaroshi but for the entire Hyuga clan.

There was no other way, Hikari's achievement in awakening his Byakugan at just three years old was shocking to everyone. The Patriarch, his son Hiashi, and their ancestors all unlocked their Byakugan at five years old, and that was with special training.

Before Hikari, the youngest anyone in the clan had managed to awaken their Byakugan was four years old, and that was a clan member who became a strong Kage-level shinobi during the middle-Warring States period, the last one in Hyuga's history.

Usually, kids from the main branch of the family unlock their Byakugan at six to seven years old, and those from the side branch around nine to ten years old.

Waking up the Byakugan so early, especially without any help, was a big deal. It's well known and documented in the Hyuga clan that the sooner you unlock your Byakugan, the stronger you and your Byakugan are expected to become later in life.

"I understand, Patriarch...", Takumi began, his voice steady yet carrying a palpable sense of significance, "I will try to explain the situation. I'm sure you are all well aware of the incident involving Hikari and the Seventh Elder's grandson. Yes, after the altercation in which Hikari was notably bested by Hiroto, the young boy, strangely, fell into a coma for three days.",

Takumi paused for a moment, ensuring he had the full attention of the council members, "We observed significant disturbances in his chakra network throughout this period, with a trend of gradually calming down over time.",

"It returned to a completely normal state on the third day of his coma, coinciding with the moment he awoke with his Byakugan unconsciously activated, as observed by my attendants who were tasked with monitoring his condition at all times.",

He carefully chose his words, aware of the gravity of what he was about to propose, "It is said that significant emotional disturbances can accelerate the opening of the Byakugan.",

"Though not to the extent observed with the Sharingan among the Uchihas, it still does happen. However, considering Hikari was only three years old, his body might not have been fully capable of operating the Byakugan easily, which could explain the three-day period needed to stabilize in that comatose state.",

"Indeed, it is unheard of for anyone in our clan's history to awaken the Byakugan at merely three years of age, leaving us without prior cases for comparison. Nonetheless, considering the notable bloodline talent that the Seventh Lineage has displayed in recent decades, especially his father and mother I believe this to be the most likely explanation. The emotional shock Hikari experienced, particularly after returning from his parents' cemetery, might've accelerated his Byakugan's awakening.",

After listening to Takumi's eloquent explanation, a wave of agreement washed over the council members. Their faces, usually reserved and stoic, softened with expressions of assent, and nods of approval circled the room.

The initial skepticism that had clouded the atmosphere gave way to a budding excitement. The realization that Hikari's activation of the Byakugan was not a cause for concern, but rather a groundbreaking event, began to fully sink in.

For the first time, the Elders collectively acknowledged the magnitude of what had occurred. The reality that they were witnessing history in the making during their own lifetimes ignited a sense of excitement and pride.

Among the faces of agreement and excitement, one stood out starkly. The Seventh Elder's expression was a mix of annoyance and hesitation, especially noticeable after Takumi mentioned the incident involving his grandson.

The mention of his grandson's actions seemed to strike a nerve, and his discomfort was palpable to those paying attention.

It dawned on him, perhaps a bit too late, that Takumi's quick reference to the altercation might have been strategic, preempting any complaints he might have had about how Hikari, upon awakening with the Byakugan, had also bested his grandson.

"Your speech was great, Fifth Elder...", The Patriarch commended, his voice carrying a note of approval that filled the ceremonial room with a sense of gravitas,

"Please continue with recounting everything that happened in regards to that boy later on and what do you think about it...", He encouraged, indicating that the discussion on Hikari and his remarkable capabilities was far from over.

"I arrived as soon as I was notified by my attendants and confirmed it again with my own eyes. The boy had really awakened his Byakugan...", Takumi continued, recounting his firsthand experience with Hikari post-awakening,

"As I engaged in conversation with him, I noted a marked change in his demeanor. He seemed much more polite and attuned to our clan's traditions than before, a subtlety that did not escape my notice, despite the stark contrast with his parents' attitudes.",

Takumi took a moment to reflect, ensuring he accurately conveyed the nuances of Hikari's transformation, "Over time, in our subsequent interactions, the differences in his personality became more pronounced."

"There was a newfound pride in him, perhaps a result of his Byakugan awakening, yet he retained a sense of humility, reserve, and discipline that was present before.",

"The most striking change, however, was in his intellectual brightness. It was as if the awakening, or maybe the ordeal he underwent at the hands of Seventh's Grandson, sparked a significant growth in his cognitive abilities. He seemed far more ambitious and eager to learn.",

Pausing, Takumi considered how to best articulate the shift towards what he perceived as a Main Branch personality,

"Hikari has become more aligned with the typical Main Branch traits, a stark deviation from the inclinations of his parents. He faced his bully without hesitation, a departure from his previously non-confrontational nature.",

"His willingness to learn and adhere to hard training protocol, inside of his room when left alone, has been noted by my attendants.",

"Remarkably, he accepted the Cursed Seal Command with ease, showing no signs of viewing the practice as 'cruel,' a stark contrast to what I imagine his parents would have advised.",

"This is, of course, all before the actual confrontation with the Seventh Elder's grandson..."