The Time for a Decision Has Come

"In that confrontation, where Hikari faced off against one two-year-older and one four-year-older opponent, both of whom had received formal training unlike him, he demonstrated exceptional combat intelligence...", Takumi elaborated, his voice filled with a mixture of admiration and incredulity.

"I'm sure most of you are already acquainted with the details of this event, so I'll spare you the retelling. However, I want to highlight how, in that moment, he also awakened a 'resolve' entirely on his own.",

Takumi's gaze swept across the room, capturing the council's attention, "What you may not know is that shortly after recovering from that encounter, Hikari managed to learn chakra extraction, producing a small chakra 'flame' on his palm after watching me perform it just once.",

"His Byakugan's range extends to 50 meters, an impressive feat, and all other metrics related to his Byakugan are off the charts for someone awakening it for the first time, especially considering his minimal training and his young age.",

The Fifth Elder paused, allowing the significance of his words to resonate with the council, "His talent in the Gentle Fist technique is also unparalleled in my experience. In my opinion, the boy is a natural-born genius, surpassing any we have seen before in terms of bloodline, talent, intelligence, and personality.",

"Therefore, I truly believe that, with our full support, Hikari has the potential to elevate the Hyuga clan to new heights, achieving a level of strength comparable to legends like Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju. Those figures stand apart from the rest of us, but Hikari possesses the potential to inscribe the Hyuga clan's surname into the annals of such figures.",

As Takumi concluded his passionate endorsement of Hikari, a ripple of reactions swept through the room.

The other Elders, initially captivated by Takumi's account, began to murmur among themselves, their expressions a mixture of surprise, contemplation, and in some cases, undisguised excitement.

The prospect of nurturing a talent potentially as monumental as Hikari's seemed to energize the council, sparking visions of a future where the Hyuga clan could ascend to unprecedented prestige and power.

As Takumi spoke, the Seventh Elder's expression underwent a visible transformation. Initially marked by skepticism and a lingering annoyance from the mention of his grandson, his features gradually tightened, reflecting a growing discomfort.

By the time Takumi finished, the Seventh Elder's face had become a canvas of conflicting emotions. The more Takumi praised Hikari's value and potential, the harder it seemed for the Seventh Elder to conceal his displeasure.

It was clear that the prospect of Hikari—a child from a lineage he viewed with disdain, especially after the incident with his grandson—receiving such high praise and expectations was a bitter pill to swallow.

However, despite the Seventh Elder's visible agitation, the overall mood in the room leaned toward optimism. The other Elders, recognizing the rarity and value of Hikari's abilities, seemed inclined to side with Takumi's assessment.

Conversations sparked around the room, with many expressing a willingness to support Hikari's development and to consider the implications of his talents for the clan's future strategies.

The Seventh Elder, feeling increasingly isolated in his opposition, struggled to compose a rebuttal. The acknowledgment of Hikari's potential by his peers, coupled with the Patriarch's earlier expressions of interest, left him in a precarious position.

He realized that any opposition he voiced against supporting Hikari could be seen as personal vendetta rather than a concern for the clan's welfare, potentially undermining his credibility within the Council.

The Seventh Elder, amidst a growing consensus around Hikari's potential, knew he needed to voice his concerns, yet he understood the importance of basing his opposition on objective facts rather than personal grievances.

Clearing his throat, he carefully chose his words, aiming to sway his peers with logic, "While the boy's talents are undeniable...", He began, his voice tinged with a measured skepticism,

"We must consider the broader implications of his upbringing. How are we to train him, knowing his parents'... let us say, unique perspectives? Once he becomes powerful enough, might he not seek to liberate Side Branch members, echoing the fairy-tale ideologies of his parents?",

However, even as he spoke, realization dawned upon him, and a flicker of regret crossed his face. He recalled how Hikari, unlike his parents, had already activated the Cursed Seal Command against his own Side Branch members for their supposed minor 'transgressions' yesterday. This acknowledgment undermined his initial argument, forcing him to quickly pivot,

"Furthermore...", He hastily added, attempting to salvage his stance, "There's the risk that Hikari could betray our clan to the Hokage, following in the footsteps of his parents. How can we ensure his loyalty remains with the Hyuga?",

The room fell into a tense silence following his words. The other Elders exchanged glances, weighing the Seventh Elder's points. Despite his attempt to present a rational argument, the shift in his reasoning did not go unnoticed. 

However, despite the initial resistance to the Seventh Elder's concerns, his second point about the potential for Hikari to follow in his parent's footsteps and prioritize allegiance to the Hokage over the clan did resonate with some members of the council.

The boy's parents had indeed gone to extreme lengths to integrate themselves into Konoha and align closely with the Hokage's faction, to the extent that they seemed more like subordinates to Hiruzen Sarutobi than loyal members of the Hyuga clan.

This historical context lent a certain gravity to the Seventh Elder's warnings, compelling the council to consider the matter more seriously.

Nevertheless, before Takumi could respond to the evolving discussion, Patriarch Hiyaroshi interjected, his tone reflecting a deep conviction in Hikari's potential.

It was evident he had fully embraced the notion of Hikari's exceptional capabilities and the need for a strategic approach to his upbringing within the clan,

"So, that's precisely why we won't give him everything in one go in terms of resources, techniques, positions, etc. Instead, we will do it gradually, increasing his privileges as we become more confident in his loyalty. This measured approach will not only secure his allegiance but also foster his trust, reliance, and pride in being a Hyuga clan member.",

The Patriarch's words carried the weight of experience and authority, quieting the room as everyone absorbed his plan, "After all, he is just a three-year-old child at the end of the day. I have every confidence in Takumi's ability to instill the correct values in him over time...",

"Let's agree to this: we observe Hikari until he turns 12 before bestowing upon him all the benefits and status due to him as the heir of his lineage, including making him the Third Elder at that time, as he should be. This will almost certainly ensure his integration and loyalty after receiving so much from us.",

The Patriarch's proposal struck a balance between caution and optimism, addressing the Seventh Elder's concerns while still acknowledging Hikari's unprecedented promise.

It was a plan that aimed to maximize Hikari's potential for the clan's benefit while mitigating the risks associated with his unique background and the actions of his parents.

"Patriarch, I apologize, but I feel compelled to remind everyone of another crucial fact...", The Seventh Elder interjected, his voice carrying a hint of underlying concern, "Will Hikari forgive us for what we did to his parents? Can he truly forgive our clan? There's a possibility that he might harbor a grudge. And if that's the case, what guarantees do we have that upon achieving his full potential, he won't seek retribution rather than elevate us to greater heights? What if, instead of being our clan's salvation, he becomes its executioner?"