The First Touch With the Natural Energy

After their parting, Hikari made his way back to the main building of the Third Estate, which now served as his home.

The estate, grand in scale and rich in Hyuga tradition, embodied the prestige of his new position.

As he entered, the familiar yet imposing architecture of the main building stood as a testament to the lineage's history and power.

The building was a harmonious blend of traditional Hyuga aesthetic and modern shinobi functionality, with spacious halls and rooms designed for both living and training.

Hikari's thoughts lingered on Hinome, her determination, and the unique bond they shared, even as he ascended to the roof of the building.

The rooftop offered an expansive view of Konoha, with its bustling streets in the distance and the Hokage Monument close to the compound. 

This sight, coupled with the cool evening air, provided a moment of reflection and solitude.

Settling into a seated position at this vantage point, Hikari began to focus on calming his mind from those previous matters amongst other 'impurities'.

He employed a breathing technique designed to steady his heart rate and clear his thoughts, a necessary precursor to the next phase of his routine.

The tranquility of the scene, with the sprawling village below bathed in the hues of the setting sun, served as the perfect backdrop for this practice.

With his mind and body aligned, Hikari prepared to delve into a crucial part of his daily regimen: spiritual meditation combined with Byakugan dojutsu training and the cultivation of his ability to see and interact with natural energy.

As Hikari continued to refine his unique Byakugan ability to perceive natural energy, the once vague outlines began to clarify, though not yet to the extent that he could utilize this energy in combat or training.

Each day, he patiently worked to deepen his connection with the natural energy currents that flowed around him, these transparent, nature-like forces that remained just beyond full comprehension.

His approach involved gently merging his chakra with the natural energy, attempting to establish a connection that would, over time, become strong enough for practical use.

Hikari's goal was not merely to observe but to mold this elusive and unique energy of this universe together with his own chakra, integrating it into his techniques and enhancing his power further.

However, even establishing the slightest connection proved challenging. The process was gradual, requiring patience and a deep, intuitive understanding of both his chakra and the natural energy that surrounded him.

This endeavor was akin to reaching out into a vast, unseen world, trying to grasp something intangible and elusive.

Despite the difficulties, Hikari's dedication never wavered. He pushed the boundaries of what was considered 'normal,' each day, focusing intensely,

Exerting his Byakugan beyond conventional limits, and making hundreds of thousands of attempts to forge a connection between his inner chakra and the elusive patterns of natural invisible energy around him over the years. 

Hikari's relentless pursuit, marked by his extraordinary concentration and the sheer volume of his attempts, underscored his commitment to breaking new ground in shinobi arts.

This journey was solitary and demanding, pushing Hikari to the limits of his abilities and even his sanity.

Yet, it was driven by the belief that connecting with natural energy could elevate his skills to unprecedented levels.

However, eventually, just before Hikari settled into the routine of his evening, an unprecedented breakthrough occurred.

For the first time, suddenly he managed to grasp a connection between his chakra and the natural energy surrounding him.

This moment was fleeting, yet unmistakably real—a significant first step toward mastering a skill that had eluded him for so long.

The sensation of finally connecting his chakra with the natural energy sent a wave of ecstatic relief and excitement through him.

It was a moment of validation for all the relentless efforts, the countless attempts that had led to this point, Hikari even had an urge to cry.

Hikari found himself caught in a whirlwind of euphoria and disbelief, marveling at the sensation that coursed through him as his chakra mingled with the natural energy.

This achievement prompted Hikari to reflect on the recent changes in his life. He pondered whether this success was, in part, due to the internal shift that came with his ascent to the position of Third Elder.

The responsibilities and recognition that accompanied his new role had, paradoxically, led to a loosening of some of his mental pressures.

Or was it all perhaps because he was truly beginning to accept his identity as a real part of this world after the eight years already passed since his transmigration here, more and more, finalizing completely now after getting that role? 

Just as this newfound status had inadvertently encouraged him to express his affection for Hinome more openly, it seemed to have also granted him a deeper sense of internal peace.

This relaxation of his mental barriers, he speculated, might have contributed to making this connection possible.

Hikari contemplated the idea that his position and the confidence it brought had permeated his subconscious, allowing him to approach his training with a more open and relaxed mindset.

This mental state, free from the weight of proving himself and now finally fully accepted within the clan after 8 long years of calculating and living under a constant, yet subtle tension, might have been the key to achieving what had been just out of reach for 5 years.

The realization that his psychological state could have such a profound impact on his shinobi skills was enlightening.

It suggested that his journey to mastering natural energy was not just a physical challenge but a deeply mental and spiritual one as well.

As he lay down to sleep, with his eyes still pulsating from the day's efforts, Hikari felt a renewed sense of purpose and optimism.

The breakthrough of the evening was a reminder that growth often comes from unexpected places, and sometimes, easing the pressure on oneself can open the door to new possibilities.

This lesson, learned in the training field, promised to influence not just his approach to mastering natural energy, but also his leadership and personal growth moving forward.